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Preliminary Financial Due Diligence


There are 4 sections to complete
Click button below to display a list of information and/or documents needed to complete all sections
Any questions, please email jennifer@chrissewelldigitalmedia.com
SECTION 1 - Step 1 of 4

Any questions, please email jennifer@chrissewelldigitalmedia.com

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Section 1

No documents needed

Section 2

Owners / Directors / Shareholders (names can be anonymous)
List Top 20 Customers/Clients (by annual revenue %) (can be anonymous)
List Top 20 Products/Services (by annual revenue %)

Section 3

List Current Employees, Roles & Salaries (can be anonymous)
List of Current Mortgages, Charges and Debentures
List of personal guarantees

Section 4

Income Statement (Last 3 years to Present)
Income Statement, Broken Down by Month (Last 3 years to Present)
Balance Sheet (Last 3 years to Present)
Balance Sheet, Broken Down by Month (Last 3 years to Present)
Business Tax Return (summary pages) (Last 3 years)
Accounts Receivable Ledger or Aged Receivables (can be anonymous)