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CASE STUDY - Influencive (Online) Full Feature

Nathan Nakhmanovich's Earned Media Full Feature in Influencive Magazine (Online Version)

Imagine your full feature article in Influencive Magazine (online version) about your brand's story... communicating your mission to the world... and inspiring trust in your organization.

How We Achieved this Success

Nathan's Story

Nathan Nakhmanovich is a music business professional, entrepreneur, and educator. He has over 15 years of experience in the industry and has worked with some of the biggest names in music. 

Nathan founded his first company at age 20 and continues to be an active member of the entrepreneurial community. He teaches music business at two universities in Los Angeles and provides consulting services to artists, entrepreneurs, and businesses.

Nathan's Problem

In the music business, media coverage is the blood that breathes life. Nathan knew in order to keep his brand's story alive about how to survive the music industry, he needed the media's constant attention.

Nathen understands that if the media isn't talking about you, then you must be irrelevant.

Nathan's Success

Once we implemented our 'Media Blitz' formula to get him featured in Influencive Magazine (online version), his celebrity status skyrocketed. 

When you are featured in a publication, you achieve a certain level of industry respect, and people want to hear what you have to say; your brand's message.

Nathan also reached a new audience to communicate his brand's story because each publication reaches a different demographic.

Your Transformation

You might be getting media coverage today; however, you can reach new audiences. Imagine communicating your brand's story to a new demographic. 

Your organization can finally achieve a level of respect reserved for celebrities. This respect can translate into more media coverage, podcast invites, and joint-ventures with leaders in your industry.

Our Secret Sauce

We have cultivated relationships with dozens of publications, staff writers, and contributors. If you tried approaching these publications yourself, it would cost you more than if we do it for you.

We have 'Paid Media' packages guaranteeing your article in your selected publication. 

Our 'Earned Media' packages are pitched to several outlets, and each publication can select to run your piece or not.

We also offer 'Media Mentions' where your name, organization, and quote are inserted into an article that gets published.

What Is a 'Media Blitz'?

Media Blitz is 1 of 5 pillars in our 'Brand Equity Accelerator' program to help organizations rapidly spread their brand's story to establish trust in their industries. 

This TRUST can be used to raise capital, attract media coverage, get attention from industry leaders, and sell more of your products or services at higher price points.

Are You Ready to Make a Brand Transformation In Your Organization?

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