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Try our 'Podcast Tour' packages if you want to introduce your brand to a wider audience... gain respect from industry leaders... and inspire trust in your organization.
John's Story
John Ruhlin is the author of Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, which has been featured in Forbes, Inc., and Entrepreneur.
A regular contributor to CNBC, John has also been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Bloomberg.
As an expert on gift giving, John has spoken at TEDx, Harvard Business School’s Executive Education program, and numerous other conferences around the world.
John's Problem
You might think that John has tons of media coverage. Why would he need Podcasts?
Well, John realized that traditional media outlets only touch a particular audience. If you want your brand message to touch a wider audience you might not be able to reach traditionally, you should consider Podcast Tours.
John's Transformation
In this video, John boldly admits that Podcast Tours gave him more credibility than The Wall Street Journal. He sold more books after the tours.
Your Transformation
If you want a level of respect in your industry that might seem out of reach, try Podcast Tours to build brand awareness and recognition. Don't be surprised if industry leaders start reaching out to you for joint ventures, and you will be strategically positioned for free media interviews in the future.
We have built relationships with the Podcast community. Not many agencies can say the same.
If you want to leapfrog ahead of your competitors, consider a Podcast Tour package.
We also pay you a 10% residual referral fee if your referral becomes a client.
Here are some Podcasts our clients have been featured on.
Podcast Tours are 1 of 5 pillars in our 'Brand Equity Accelerator' program to help organizations rapidly spread their brand's story to establish trust in their industries.
This TRUST can be used to raise capital, attract media coverage, get attention from industry leaders, and sell more of your products or services at higher price points.